This has been the winter of terrible, terrible pants. From the sequined leggings spotted at Stella's two Saturdays ago ( Stella's is not an establishment you wear sequined leggings to. No one is there to pay attention to your clothes, they are there to drink weird polish brandies and spill Old Style all over their Carhartts), to the total-assault-on-every-one-of-my-senses-atrocity-that-is-acid-washed-jeans displayed in the window of American Apparel, the American public has been subject to most misguided pants choices since AC Slater started wearing Zoobas every goddamn second of every goddamned episode of "Saved By The Bell".
Enter Forever 21, champion of cheap, up to the minute and (usually) wearable trends. I hate hate HATE to badmouth Forever 21, as they provide me with an endless supply of sparkly tops and novelty hair clips, but a girl has to draw the line somewhere. If you would be so kind as to direct your eyes to the upper left hand corner, you will witness what can only be described as "disturbingly hideous brown trash bags for your legs". What, WHAT is going on here? Does this mannequin have elephantiasis of the thighs? I cannot, nay, WILL NOT condone this madness. Ridiculous pants: just say no.
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