I won't be the first to tell you this blog isn't all that cool or on the cutting edge or nothin, I'll leave that to Vice Magazine or Street Boners and TV Carnage, but I figured I'd let you all know what I'm jazzed about in 2009:
1. Ripped tights. Seriously I love this look! I feel like I'm channeling my inner Courtney Love whenever I wear them. Remember that chapter in "The Game" where Courtney Love comes to live at the Project Hollywood mansion and like, leaves a swath of peanut butter and jelly tinged destruction wherever she goes? I feel like I can totally trash the kitchen of the house party I am at when I am dressed like her and not feel guilty about it.* Extra points for copious amounts of pearl jewelry/hot pink tutu/smeared lipstick.
2. The term "Boho-slut". This is to Ukranian Village/Wicker Park/Logan Square as "Trixie" is to Lincoln Park. Use it to describe that generic skinny hipster chick you met at EvilOlive Rehab night or the Burlington or [insert poseur bar of your choice here] that graduated from Columbia with a degree in fashion merchandising and does blow, but only on the weekends and that one time at that Justice concert. On a related note, have you seen the prices at Free People lately?? Damn but it is expensive to dress la vie boheme these days.
3. Avocado Frosting. Jesus christ this looks good. Its like, sugary guacamole? I am on that shit like a seagull on a french fry.
ok well that's about it really, but I think what this list lacks in quantity, I make up for in Courtney Love references, so all you hataz can SUCK IT.
* In reality I am the anti-Courtney Love at parties, all followin the drunks with a roll of paper towels and an industrial sized bottle of Resolve Carpet Cleaner.
p.s. Happy New Year, may you live prosperously in a giant mushroom surrounded by pig slaves? Man things were f*cked up at the turn of the century.
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