Friday, December 19, 2008

I Stole My Blog Name From Obama?

No way, he stole it from ME. SUCK IT, PRESIDENT ELECT*

*seriously though Barry, I think you're the bees knees. Let's hang out sometime.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's In A Name?

I really can't take credit for the title of my blog. I have to give that honor to my sister. The conversation went a little something like this:

Big Sis: So, how's your week been so far?
Lil' Sis: (yet another sad sack story followed by an almost unintelligible stream of curse words and sighs). Can't really figure out what it is that makes me think that if I try hard enough I can make things work out just the way I want them to.
Big Sis: The audacity of hope, Sarah. The audacity of hope.

If there was ever a town to be hopeful in, Chicago would be it. As I write this, inches upon inches of thick, wet snow are falling, covering the 6 inches of snow that fell on Tuesday, covering the two inch thick sheet of ice that covered the city Sunday night. The city's thinning budget can't be stretched to allow every street to be salted. My boots are constantly sopping, cold wet bricks of wool, and as soon as they've dried out next to the radiator I shove em' back on and it's once more into the fray. How's that for futility?

Anyways, this is probably the most serious post I'll ever write, as most everything that happens to me (at least what I want to share with the great open spans of teh internetz) border on the ridiculously entertaining end of the spectrum. This isn't livejournal and there ain't no spots on this page for a sad-face emoticon. If you want to feel bad for people I recommend searching for " chris daughtry covers" on YouTube. Seriously, that shit makes you want to buy a homeless person a puppy or something.

Oh Hai

New blog.

Get ready for more high-larious true stories, awesome tunez and reviews of places in the city I think y'all should check out (because let's face it, Yelp doesn't let me use the word "Fuck" nearly as much as I would like to).

Will you be able to find a blog on the internet that is keepin it MORE REAL THAN THIS?

Yeah, I didn't think so. Hold on to your hats, kids.